Linksys SPA9x2 Administration Guide 183
Configuring a Dial Plan
Configuring a Dial Plan
The Linksys IP phone allows each line (extension) to be configured with a distinct dial plan.
The dial plan specifies how to interpret digit sequences dialed by the user, and how to
convert those sequences into an outbound dial string.
The SPA9x2 phone syntax for the dial plan closely resembles the corresponding syntax
specified by MGCP and MEGACO. Some extensions are added that are useful in an end-
Dial Plan Digit Sequences
The plans contain a series of digit sequences, separated by the | character. The collection of
sequences is enclosed in parentheses.
When a user dials a series of digits, each sequence in the dial plan is tested as a possible
match. The matching sequences form a set of candidate digit sequences. As more digits are
entered by the user, the set of candidates diminishes until only one or none are valid.
Any one of a set of terminating events triggers the SPA9x2 phone to either accept the user-
dialed sequence and transmit it to initiate a call, or else to reject it as invalid. The
terminating events are as follows:
• No candidate sequences remain—The number is rejected.
• Only one candidate sequence remains, and it has been matched completely—The
number is accepted and transmitted after any transformations indicated by the dial
plan, unless the sequence is barred by the dial plan, in which case the number is
• A timeout occurs—The digit sequence is accepted and transmitted as dialed if
incomplete, or transformed as per the dial plan if complete.
• An explicit “send” (user presses the # key)—The digit sequence is accepted and
transmitted as dialed if incomplete, or transformed as according to the dial plan if
The time-out duration depends on the matching state. If no candidate sequences are as yet
complete (as dialed), the Interdigit_Long_Timeout value applies. If a candidate sequence is
complete, but there exists one or more incomplete candidates, the Interdigit_Short_Timeout
value applies.
The following table shows the entries to use when programming the dial plan.
Dial Plan Entries
Dial Plan Entry
*xx Allows arbitrary 2-digit star code
[3469]11 Allows x11 sequences (for example, 311, 411, 611,
0Dials operator
00 Dials international operator