Linksys SPA9x2 Phone Administration Guide Cisco Confidential--First Draft134
SPA9x2 Phone Field Reference
Response Status Code Handling
Reg Retry Random Delay Random delay range (in seconds) to add to <Register
Retry Intvl> when retrying REGISTER after a failure. This
feature was added in Release 5.1.
Defaults to blank, which disables this feature.
Reg Retry Long Random
Random delay range (in seconds) to add to <Register
Retry Long Intvl> when retrying REGSITER after a failure.
This feature was added in Release 5.1.
Defaults to blank, which disables this feature.
Reg Retry Intvl Cap The maximum value to cap the exponential back-off
retry delay (which starts at <Register Retry Intvl> and
doubles on every REGISTER retry after a failure). In other
words, the retry interval is always at <Register Retry
Intvl> seconds after a failure. If this feature is enabled,
<Reg Retry Random Delay> is added on top of the
exponential back-off adjusted delay value. This feature
was added in Release 5.1.
Defaults to blank, which disables the exponential back-
off feature.
Sub Min Expires This value sets the lower limit of the REGISTER expires
value returned from the Proxy server.
Sub Max Expires This value sets the upper limit of the REGISTER min-
expires value returned from the Proxy server in the Min-
Expires header. Defaults to 7200.
Sub Retry Intvl This value (in seconds) determines the retry interval
when the last Subscribe request fails. Defaults to 10.
SIT1 RSC SIP response status code for the appropriate Special
Information Tone (SIT). For example, if you set the SIT1
RSC to 404, when the user makes a call and a failure code
of 404 is returned, the SIT1 tone is played. Reorder or
Busy Tone is played by default for all unsuccessful
response status code for SIT 1 RSC through SIT 4 RSC.
Defaults to blank.