Number Pads
Usetoset timeortemperature.
Oven Light Pad (Control Panel)
theOven Light Pad toturnoven lighton oroff. Note:A beepwillsoundeverytime the OvenLight
Pad istouched.
Display Window
Showstime ofday,timer,and SrD8 8_8 8 I
oventunctions i888c°888
CR_KM[ ioAsr ¢ml LME _r
T/I_R_ _rlevi,_NLOCKPB,_-_AT_ LOCkRR_ZAT_7
• Showtimeofday.
• Countdownoftime remainingwhenusingtime functions.
• Showtemperatureofovenasitrisestoreachprogrammedtemperatureandthe settempera-
tureonce itis reached.
• Recallprogrammedtemperatureortime whencommanded.
• Rounding of Display Numbers: Temperature range is 100° to 550°Fand can be set in 5°
increments.Whensettingtemperature,thecontrolwillroundittothenearest10°. Forexample,
if 237°isentered, thecontrol will roundthe temperatureto 240°.
• Serveasa remindertoshutovendoor, ifitisopen,for self-cleaningoperationwhenthe word,
• "Err"willappearintheDisplaywhenanimpropertemperatureor timehasbeenentered. "Err"
will flashand a beepwillbe heardthree times. Then,the Displaywill return tothe previous
Displaybeforethe errorwas entered.
indicator Words:
• Flashto promptnext step.
• Indicatestatusofprogrammedfunction.
• Showprogrammedfunctionwhen recalled.
• Showoven selected. U - isthe upperoven; L- is the lower oven. (Model WW27430)
Chimes vs. Beeps
• A chimesound isused todesignatethe endof atiming orcooking operation.
• A beep soundwill be heard when any pad is touched. A series of short beepsare used to
designateanincorrectentry,door isopenwhensetforaself-clean,probeneedsto beremoved
anda fault code.
End of Cycle Chimes:
• The end ofcycle chimes is four shortchimes followedby "reminder" chimes for a specified
lengthof time,untilyoucancelthat function. Forthe Timerfunction, therearetwo"reminder"
chimes every 30 seconds for five minutes. For the Timed Cook, functions there is one
"reminder"chime everyminuteforten minutes. Tocancelthese "reminder"chimes,touchthe
appropriate padagain (eitherthe Timer Pad or Cook Time Pad). You may alsotouchthe
Cancel Off Padto cancelthe"reminder"chimes,butitwillalsocancelallother ovenfunctions.
• Ifyouwouldliketo eliminateallthe "reminder"chimesentirely,touchand holdtheCancel Off
Pad for twelveseconds. (Thiswill not eliminete the initial fourshort chimes).
• To returq the "reminder"chimes, touchand holdthe Cancel Off Padfor twelveseconds.
l NOTE: To changetheoventoa 24hourclockor Celsius(C)degrees, contactyourauthorized
Jenn-AirServiceContractoror installer.