• Preheatingis not necessary.
• For openpanroasting,placemeat orpoultryon the slottedportionof thetwo-piece
panincluded with the oven. Do not addwater to the pan. Useopen pan roasting
for tendercuts of meat. Lesstender cutsof meatneedto be cookedby moistheat
in a covered pan.
• Forbest results,a meatthermometeror probeis themostaccurateguideto degree
of doneness. Thetip ofthe thermometeror probeshould belocated inthethickest
part of a roast, not touching fat, bone, or gristle. For turkeys and large poultry
products,insertthetip ofthe thermometerorprobeintothe thickestpartof theinner
• Placeroastfat side up to allow self basting of meat during roasting.
• Since meats continue to cook after being removedfrom the oven, remove roast
from oven when Jtreaches an internaltemperature about 5 degrees below the
temperature desired.
• Forless loss ofjuices and easiercarving, allowabout 15 minutes "standingtime"
after removing meat from oven.
• Forbestresults inroastingpoultry, thawcompletely. Dueto thestructureof poultry,
partially thawed poultrywill cook unevenly.
• If preferred,tender cuts of meat can be roastedin the conventionalbake oven by
following the general recommendationsgiven above. However, meatswill roast
more quickly in the convect oven using Convect Boast.
• Conventionalbake is best for lesstendercuts of meatthat require a longer, moist
heat methodof cooking. Followyour recipefor timesand temperaturesfor covered
• Meatscookedinovencookingbags,dutchovens,or coveredroastingpansarebest
cooked in the conventional bakeoven using the Bake Pad.
• Use meat roasting charts in standard cookbooks for recommended times and
temperaturesfor roasting in a conventional bake oven.
J NOTE: A cooling fan will operate during all cooking modes. The fan may also
down.C°ntinueto operate after the oven is turned off unti the oven has coo ed