17. Listenforfan. Afan noiseshouldbe heardduringthebake,convectbake,
convect roast,broil and cleaning cycles, If not,call a serviceman.
OVEN. Heatingelementsmaybe hoteventhough theyaredark incolor.
Interiorsurfacesof anyovenbecome hotenoughto causeburns. During
and after use, do not touch, or let clothing or otherflammable materials
contact heatingelementsor interiorsurfacesof oven untilthey havehad
sufficienttime to cool. Other surfacesof the appliance maybecome hot
enough to cause burns-amongthese surfaces are: ovenvent openings
' and surfacesnearthese openings,oven doors,windows of ovendoors.
19. PREPAREDFOODWARNING:Followfood manufacturer'sinstructions.
If a plasticfrozenfood containerand/orits filmcover distorts,warpsor is
otherwisedamaged duringcooking,immediatelydiscardthe food andits
container. The food couldbe contaminated.
20. Thisappliancehas beentested forsafe performanceusingconventional
ceokware. Donotuseanydevicesoraccessoriesthatare notspecifically
recommendedin this manual. De not use add-on convectionsystems.
The use of devicesor accessoriesthat are not expressly recommended
inthis manualcouldcreateserioussafetyhazards, resultin performance
problems,and reduce the life of the componentsof the appliance.
21. Do not allowaluminum foil or meat probesto contact heatingelement.
The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986
(Proposition 65) requires the Governor of California to publish a list of
substancesknownto the State of California to causecancer or reproductive
harm,and requires businessesto warn customersof potential exposuresto
such substances. Users of this applianceare herebywarned that when the
ovenis engagedinthe self-cleancycle,theremaybesomelowlevelexposure
to some of the listedsubstances, including Carbon Monoxide. Exposureto
these substances can be minimized by properly venting the oven to the
outdoorsduring the self-cleancycle.