• Use the Convect Roast Pad for best results.
• Preheating the oven is not necessary.
• Follow package recommendationsfor oven temperature,foil covering and use of
cookiesheets. Cooking timeswill besimilar. Seechartbelowfor someexceptions
and examples.
• Centerfoods in the oven. If morethan onefood itemis beingcookedor iffoodsare
being cooked on multipleracks, stagger foods for proper air circulation.
• Most foods are cooked on rackposition #3o.
• For multiple rack cooking, use racks #1, 3o and 4. However,pizzas should be
placed on cookie sheets and cooked on rack position#20, 3 and 4.
Here are a few examples of times and temperatures
Frozen Rack ....
ConvenienceFoods POsition* Temp.° F Minutes , Temp.° F Minutes***
Chicken, fried 30 . , 375° 40-45 375° 40-45
, [ .... ]
• } • I t
Fish, sticks 3 400° 13-18 I 400° 15-20
Pizza 30 400° "12-15 4000 , 12-15
* An "o" after a rack numberimpliesthat the offset rack should be used.
** Conventional bake usesthe Bake Pad.
*** The times givenare basedon specific brandsof mixes or recipes tested.
Actual times will dependon the onesyou cook.
Note: Convectroastingtimeswil{be similarto theconventionaltimesbecausethe oven
is not preheated. The time savings comes from not having to preheat the oven.