I Baking Chart I
Note: For ConventionalBakeusethe Bake Pad.
. Conveot Conventional
Product Pan Rack Temp.(°F) Temp.(°F)l **
andType Size POsi'don*Preheated***"i-wne**I Preheated Time
AKE ' _
C ' o
Yeow-2a,o 0: 30or3325:/22"01350°1 8-33
White -2 ayers 9_ :3o0r3 • 325 I 22_30 1' 350 125-30
Chocolate_21aYer.` 9" . 3o0r3 325° J25-30 I 350:/30-35
AngelFoOd' tube 20 or 2 1 350° I 30-35 1 375o 130-40
PoundCake . 9X5loaf 2 300° ] 50-60 / 325 / 55-65
CU_kes _pa_ 2o_4_ _5z 115"2°I 350°/ 15-25
SheetCake 9x13' 30r30 325' 126-31 [ 350° /30"40
f.=s ,' / I I
Two Crust . o / | o o|
Fruit,fresh : 9:3o, 350°-400: I 45-60 I 375o-425_/ 45-50
oF_r_o_en .... 9...2 35o_-4oo 1,0-66]375-4=5/4o-r_
Custard,freslt : i_ • :: 1: 325:-375: 40-60 350:-400°/40-60
,_,_ , , 3o: 325:.3_5,'7-11:350:_0_/6-12
Pie Shel 9; 2 425=° 7-11 450:'_o"18-12
PeanutButte_ _ 3o_3 ;_325°-350° 6-I0 350 -375- 7-11
:: .... : :" _'_ ' :: .... ' '_" : ° 0° _-11
sugar: :,:_:::-::::_or3, _TS 6_0 350:40. 7
_ownies_i : i :9Xi3_ :- =_i _..... 325° " : i ::20_26 3.50° 25-3t
I_READS, ! ' ' •_: :.:_: ;: _ _ ' o : :
L;oa:f - : :_'_':ioaf l:Or20 !' 1:7-23 . :-375' IB-28
Si read 9x9' .... 30 : :' _ .... 22\28 " 350_, _5-35
ngerb • .... :...... .
: . ._ o : o I-0
m_,s:::::_i:_:::_ ::_:::::::,,::_:::_:_!::_::::_: i_ :::_6_25°•!_25
• An "0"aftera rack numberimpliesthatthe offsetrackshouldbe used.
•* The timesgiven arebased onspecificbrands ofmixesor recipestested. Actual
times will dependon the ones you bake•
•** The Convect Bake temperatureis 25°Flower than recommendedon packagemix
or recipe•