4285ch02.fm Draft Document for Review May 4, 2007 11:35 am
76 Linux Performance and Tuning Guidelines
16384 87380 64 1 60.00 3830.65 25.27 10.16 131.928 53.039
2048 1024
When you perform benchmarking, it’s wise to use the sample test scripts which come with
netperf. By changing some variables in the scripts, you can perform your benchmarking as
you like. The scripts are in the doc/examples/ directory of the netperf package.
For more details, refer to http://www.netperf.org/
2.4.4 Other useful tools
Following are some other useful benchmark tools. Keep in mind that you have to know the
characteristics of the benchmark tool and choose the tools that fit your needs.
Table 2-3 Additional benchmarking tools
Tool Most useful tool function
bonnie Disk I/O and file system benchmark
bonnie++ Disk I/O and file system benchmark.
NetBench File server benchmark. It runs on Windows.
dbench File system benchmark. Commonly used for file server benchmark.
iometer Disk I/O and network benchmark
ttcp Simple network benchmark
nttcp Simple network benchmark
iperf Network benchmark
ab (Apache Bench) Simple web server benchmark. It comes with Apache HTTP server.
WebStone Web server benchmark
Apache JMeter Used mainly web server performance benchmarking. It also support
other protocol such as SMTP, LDAP, JDBC™ etc. and it has good
reporting capability.
fsstone, smtpstone Mail server benchmark. They come with Postfix.
nhfsstone Network File System benchmark. Comes with nfs-utils package.
DirectoryMark LDAP benchmark