4285ax01.fm Draft Document for Review May 4, 2007 11:35 am
140 Linux Performance and Tuning Guidelines
Hardware and software configurations
The tests, tuning modifications, benchmark runs, and monitoring performed for this redpaper
were executed with Linux installed on two different hardware platforms:
Guest on IBM z/VM systems
Native on IBM System x servers
Linux installed on guest IBM z/VM systems
IBM z/VM V5.2.0 was installed on an LPAR on an IBM z9 processor. Installed z/VM
components were tcpip, dirmaint, rscs, pvm, and vswitch.
The various Linux guest VM systems were configured as shown in Table A-1.
Table A-1 Linux installed on guest z/VM systems
Linux installed on IBM System x servers
Three IBM System x x236 servers were configured as shown in Table A-2.
Table A-2 Linux installed on System x servers
System name LNXSU1 LNXSU2 LNXRH1
Linux distribution SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server 10
SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server 10
Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 5
Install default with sysstat
default with sysstat
default with sysstat
Memory 512 MB 512 MB 512 MB
swap (2105 Shark
710 MB 710 MB 710 MB
/root (2105 Shark
6.1 GB 6.1 GB 6.1 GB
/perf (2107 DS8000
ReiserFS 6.8 GB Ext3 6.8 GB Ext3 6.8 GB
System name LNXSU3 LNXSU4 LNXSU5
Linux distribution SUSE Linux
Enterprise Server 10
(runlevel 3)
Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 4
(runlevel 5)
Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 5
(runlevel 5)
Install default with sysstat
6.0.2-16.4 and
default with sysstat default with sysstat
Memory 4096 MB 4096 MB 4096 MB
swap (RAID 1,
2 GB 2 GB 2 GB
/root (RAID 1, 2*74GB) 70 GB 70 GB 70 GB