4285ch02.fm Draft Document for Review May 4, 2007 11:35 am
68 Linux Performance and Tuning Guidelines
Figure 2-13 The task list in the IBM Director Console
Drag and drop the icon for Monitor Activator over a single system or a group of systems that
have the Capacity Manager package installed. A window opens (Figure 2-14) in which you
can select the various subsystems to be monitored over time. Capacity Manager for Linux
does not yet support the full-feature set of available performance counters. System statistics
are limited to a basic subset of performance parameters.
Figure 2-14 Activating performance monitors multiple systems
The Monitor Activator window shows the respective systems with their current status on the
right side and the different available performance monitors at the left side. To add a new
monitor, select the monitor and click On. The changes take effect shortly after the Monitor
Activator window is closed. After this step, IBM Director starts collecting the requested
performance metrics and stores them in a temporary location on the different systems.
To create a report of the collected data, select Capacity Manager → Report Generator (see
Figure 2-13) and drag it over a single system or a group of systems for which you would like to
see performance statistics. IBM Director asks whether the report should be generated right
away or scheduled for later execution (Figure 2-15).