Chapter 2. Monitoring and benchmark tools 65
Draft Document for Review May 4, 2007 11:35 am 4285ch02.fm
Process Table
Clicking the Process Table tab displays information about all running processes on the
server (Figure 2-9). The table, by default, is sorted by System CPU utilization, but this can be
changed by clicking another one of the headings.
Figure 2-9 Process Table view
Configuring a work sheet
For your environment or the particular area that you wish to monitor, you might have to use
different sensors for monitoring. The best way to do this is to create a custom work sheet. In
this section, we guide you through the steps that are required to create the work sheet shown
in Figure 2-12 on page 67:
1. Create a blank worksheet by clicking File → New to open the window in Figure 2-10.
Figure 2-10 Properties for new worksheet
2. Enter a title and a number of rows and columns; this gives you the maximum number of
monitor windows, which in our case will be four. When the information is complete, click
OK to create the blank worksheet, as shown in Figure 2-11 on page 66.