Chapter 1. Understanding the Linux operating system 25
Draft Document for Review May 4, 2007 11:35 am 4285ch01.fm
The Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) is the most commonly used I/O device
technology, especially in the enterprise server environment. In Linux kernel implementations,
SCSI devices are controlled by device driver modules. They consist of the following types of
Upper level drivers: sd_mod, sr_mod(SCSI-CDROM), st(SCSI Tape), sq(SCSI generic
device) etc.
Provide functionalities to support several types of SCSI devices such as SCSI CD-ROM,
SCSI tape etc.
Middle level driver: scsi_mod
Implements SCSI protocol and common SCSI functionality
Low level drivers
Provide lower level access to each devices. Low level driver is basically specific to a
hardware device and provided for each device. For example, ips for IBM ServeRAID™
controller, qla2300 for Qlogic HBA, mptscsih for LSI Logic SCSI controller etc.
Pseudo driver: ide-scsi
Used for IDE-SCSI emulation.
Figure 1-22 Structure of SCSI drivers
If there is specific functionality implemented for a device, it should be implemented in device
firmware and the low level device driver. The supported functionality depend on which
hardware you use and which version of device driver you use. The device itself should also
support the desired functionality. Specific functions are usually tuned by a device driver
parameter. You may try some performance tuning in /etc/modules.conf. Refer to the device
and device driver documentation for possible tuning hints and tips.
1.4.5 RAID and Storage system
The selection and configuration of storage system and RAID types are also important factors
in terms of system performance. However we leave the details of this topic out of scope of this
Redpaper, though Linux supports software RAID. We include some of tuning considerations
in 4.6.1, “Hardware considerations before installing Linux” on page 114.
For additional, in-depth coverage of the available IBM storage solutions, see:
Tuning IBM System x Servers for Performance, SG24-5287
IBM System Storage Solutions Handbook, SG24-5250
Introduction to Storage Area Networks, SG24-5470
ips qla2300mptscsih
st sr_modsd_modsg
Upper level driver
Mid level driver
Low level driver