
The publications listed in this bibliography provide
additional information about topics described or
referred to in this guide. The following publications
are listed with their full title, short title, and order
number. When these manuals are referred to in
text, a shortened version of the title is used.
Client Access Books
These books provide information for planning and
installing Client Access, and configuring and
diagnosing problems for individual Client Access
Client Access for Windows 95/NT - Setup
Client Access Express for Windows Host
, SC41-5740-03.
Communications Manuals
Communications Configuration
, SC41-5401-00
Cool Title About the AS/400 and the Internet
SG24-4815. Explains how to attach and use the
Internet (or Intranet) from AS/400 by discussing
Wide Area Network (WAN), Local Area Network
(LAN), and both dial-out and dial-in SLIP
connections. This book also describes some
traditional TCP/IP applications, such as e-mail
with MIME and POP3 enhancements, Telnet,
FTP with new APIs to provide anonymous
access, Gopher, as well as AS/400 security
issues. It also provides implementation details
and example programs for topics such as CGI
programming. provides an APPC over TCP/IP
configuration example.
Describes the objects, commands, and
parameters used to configure OS/400
communications. It includes a general
discussion of the objects and methods used to
configure communications and detailed
descriptions of all parameters that can be
specified for the commands used to create the
configuration objects.
Communications Management
, SC41-5406-02.
Contains information on working with
communications status, errors, performance,
line speed, and storage requirements.
ICF Programming
, SC41-5442-00. Provides the
information needed to write application
programs that use AS/400 communications and
the ICF file.
Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) Support
SC41-5400-00. Tells you how to configure and
use the Novell protocol suite with OS/400.
These protocols include: Internetwork Packet
Exchange (IPX), Sequenced Packet Exchange
(SPX), Service Advertising Protocol (SAP), and
Router Information Protocol (RIP). This book is
written for the network administrator.
LAN, Frame-Relay and ATM Support
SC41-5404-01. Describes the AS/400 support
for IBM token-ring, distributed data interface
(DDI), Ethernet, and wireless local area
networks and frame relay wide area networks.
This manual also includes information about
AS/400 functions used for problem
determination and management of local area
OS/400 Network File System Support
SC41-5714-01. Describes both the basic
concepts of the Network File System as well as
the specific applications of NFS on the AS/400.
Included are descriptions of what NFS is, what
NFS does, and explicit details of NFS
IBM Network Station Manager for AS/400
SC41-0632-01. Provides information for
installing and administering the IBM Network
Station Manager for AS/400.
Printer Device Programming
, SC41-5713-03.
Provides information to help you understand
and control printing. It provides specific
information on printing elements and concepts
of the AS/400 system, printer file and print
spooling support for printing operations, and
printer connectivity.
Remote Work Station Support
, SC41-5402-00.
Provides information for setting up and using
remote work station support, such as display
station pass-through, distributed host command
facility, and 3270 remote attachment.
SNA Distribution Services
, SC41-5410-01.
Provides the system operator or system
administrator with information about configuring
a network for Systems Network Architecture
distribution services (SNADS) and VM/MVS
bridge. Object distribution and the system
distribution directory are also discussed.
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
, SC41-5412-00. Provides information
for configuring an AS/400 system to use Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
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