Chapter 14. TFTP Server
Trivial File Transfer Protocol, or TFTP, is a simple protocol that provides basic file
transfer function with no user authentication. Together, TFTP and Bootstrap
Protocol, or BOOTP, provide support for the IBM Network Station for an AS/400
system. They also provide support for other clients that use the TFTP and BOOTP
protocols. For more information on BOOTP, see “Chapter 13. BOOTP Server” on
page 377.
TFTP is a generic implementation that allows you to use clients other than IBM
Network Stations. For more information, see “Configuring TFTP for Clients other
than IBM Network Station” on page 389.
Accessing TFTP Functions through Operations Navigator
You can access TFTP server functions from either a command line interface or
Operations Navigator. Not all TFTP functions are available on both interfaces.
This chapter discusses how you start, stop, and configure the TFTP server from the
command line interface. This chapter does not document any of the Operations
Navigator functions. See the online Help for Operations Navigator for information
about using the Operations Navigator for TFTP functions.
To access TFTP server functions through Operations Navigator, perform the
following steps:
1. Double-click your AS/400 server in the main tree view of Operations Navigator.
2. Double-click Network.
3. Double-click Servers.
4. Double-click TCP/IP.
5. Right-click TFTP to open a context menu of TFTP server functions.
Note: Although some of the functionality of the command line interface and the
Operations Navigator is the same, the actual menu commands and
parameters are not necessarily the same.
Starting the TFTP Server
Specify the following
Start TCP/IP Server
(STRTCPSVR) command with the
SERVER parameter set to *TFTP:
The STRTCPSVR command ignores the AUTOSTART parameter value. If you run
the STRTCPSVR SERVER (*TFTP) command when the TFTP server is running,
you receive a diagnostic message.
Automatically Starting the TFTP Server
Set the AUTOSTART parameter to *YES on the CHGTFTPA command. The
AUTOSTART parameter of the CHGTFTPA command affects only the operation of
the STRTCP command. It has no effect on the STRTCPSVR command.
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