Setting Up Client Access-Based Mail Clients
Set up for Client Access-based clients is minimal. When you install Client Access,
click on the mail client and follow the directions for configuration. You will need to
provide an AS/400 system name for your mail server.
Configuring the POP Server
The Change POP Attributes (CHGPOPA) command allows you to configure the
POP server. You can get to the CHGPOPA command prompt display in either of the
following ways:
v Enter the Configure TCP/IP command (CFGTCP) and select option 20 (Configure
TCP/IP applications) and then select Option 16, Change POP server attributes
v Enter the Configure TCP/IP Applications (CFGTCPAPP) command from the
command line, and select Option 16, Change POP server attributes
v Enter the Change POP Mail Server Attributes (CHGPOPA) command directly
from the command line.
The following screen is displayed:
Change POP Server Attributes (CHGPOPA)
Type choices, press Enter.
Autostart servers........ *YES *YES, *NO, *SAME
Number of initial servers.... 3 1-20, *SAME, *DFT
Inactivity time out....... 600 10-65535 seconds, *SAME, *DFT
Message split size....... 32 32-2048 kilobytes, *SAME, *DFT
Coded character set identifier 00819 *SAME, *DFT, 00819, 00912...
When to use ......... *BESTFIT*SAME, *BESTFIT, *ALWAYS
Allow standard POP connection . *YES *SAME, *YES, *NO
Host server connection . *NONE *SAME, *NONE, *ALL, *IP...
+ for more values ________
Address book:
Enabled:........... *NO *SAME, *NO, *YES
Refresh interval....... ______ 1-65535 minutes, *NONE
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F13=How to use this display
F24=More keys
If you are going to use standard POP (TCP/IP) connections, specify *YES for the
Allow standard POP connection (ALWSTDCNN) parameter. This is the normal
socket interface used by standard POP clients, and is the default. Specify *NO if
you will only be using the Client Access for Windows 95/NT clients.
To activate changes made in the configuration of the POP server, you must end and
restart the following:
v The POP server
v The mail server framework
Chapter 9. Post Office Protocol (POP) Mail Server 293