information. If this person is someone other than you, have that individual
provide you with the Internet address to use for your system.
Depending on the size of your network and its complexities, determine whether
a host table or a DNS server is the preferred method for maintaining and
updating host name and IP address associations. In this chapter, refer to “Step
6—Configuring TCP/IP Host Table Entries” on page 38. For information about
configuring and using a DNS server, see page 421.
5. Obtain X.25 network addresses: If you plan to use TCP/IP on an X.25 private
or public data network, you need to know whether you will be using a switched
virtual circuit (SVC) or permanent virtual circuit (PVC).
v To use an SVC, you need to know the network address of each remote
system in the network with which you want to communicate.
v To use a PVC, you need to know the related logical channel identifier. You
can have a network address or a permanent virtual circuit, but not both, for a
remote system information entry.
If a remote system is an AS/400 system, you can determine its network
address by using the Display Line Description (DSPLIND) command on that
remote system.
6. Familiarize yourself with the TCP/IP Administration Menu: The TCP/IP
Administration menu (Figure 9 on page 26) provides easy access to common
functions associated with administering TCP/IP.
To get to this menu, enter the GO TCPADM command from the AS/400 Main
7. Familiarize yourself with the Configure TCP/IP Menu: The Configure TCP/IP
menu (Figure 10 on page 28) guides you through all the tasks for configuring
your AS/400 system to communicate with other systems in a TCP/IP network.
You can reach this menu in two ways:
v Select option 1 on the TCPADM menu.
v Enter the Configure TCP/IP (CFGTCP) command.
Once you have documented configuration information, you are ready to install the
TCP/IP program on your AS/400 system. The information in the section that follows
will help you do that. See “Installing the TCP/IP Application Programs”.
For information about TCP/IP addressing and connecting to the Internet, see
“TCP/IP Addressing” on page 24. This topic discusses the methods for assigning
addresses within your own network and offers an example.
Installing the TCP/IP Application Programs
To determine whether the TCP/IP LP is already installed, enter GO LICPGM
(Go Licensed Program) on the command line and then select Option 10 to
display the installed licensed programs. If the TCP/IP Connectivity Utilities LP
is not installed on your system, continue by following the instructions in this
section to perform the installation.
Installing TCP/IP on your AS/400 allows you to connect an AS/400 to a network.
Chapter 2. Configuring TCP/IP 23