FTP Considerations (for Both Client and Server)
This section contains additional detailed information that is pertinent to both the
AS/400 FTP client and FTP server, including:
v Data transfer methods
v Transferring files that contain packed decimal data
v Transferring AS/400 save files
v Transferring HFS files
v Transferring QDLS documents
v Transferring “root,” QOpenSys and QLANSrv files
v Transferring files using QFileSvr.400
v Receiving text files
v Transferring QSYS.LIB files
v AS/400 file pre-creation
v Automatic sequencing of source files
v CCSID code page tagging for files on AS/400
v NLS considerations
v Effects of job wait time
Data Transfer Methods
The appropriate transmission attributes must be used to transfer files between two
systems to preserve the content and structure of the files. A text file contains
standard, displayable characters only. It does not include the end-of-record
characters (EBCDIC '1E' and ASCII '0D'). A binary file may contain any characters.
File Transfer Protocol
Previous FTP subcommands and messages:
220 SCOTLAND FTP server (IBM OS/2 TCP/IP FTP Version 1.2) ready.
331 Password required for GWIL.
230 User GWIL logged in.
OS/2 operating system
200 Type set to I.
202 SITE not necessary; you may proceed.
Client NAMEFMT is 1.
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for C:\TEST\COPYWSFA.BAT.
226 Transfer complete.
159 bytes transferred in 0.984 seconds. Transfer rate 0.162 KB/sec.
Enter an FTP subcommand.
F3=Exit F6=Print F9=Retrieve
F17=Top F18=Bottom F21=CL command line
Figure 169. OS2 FTP FTP/PUT Process
258 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4