4 - 16
Character Activation Laser Timeout
You can set a timeout for the length of time the laser remains on and attempting to decode bar codes when using Character
Activation Mode. Set the length (in milliseconds) for a timeout by scanning the following bar code, then setting the timeout
(from 1-65535 milliseconds) by scanning digits from the Programming Chart inside the back cover of this manual, then
scanning Save. Default = 5000 ms.
Character Deactivation Mode
If you have sent a character from the host to trigger the scanner to begin scanning, you can also send a deactivation character
to stop scanning. Scan the following On bar code to use character deactivation, then use Deactivation Character (following) to
select the character you will send from the host to terminate scanning. Default = Off.
Deactivation Character
This sets the character used to terminate scanning when using Character Deactivation Mode. On the ASCII Conversion
Chart (Code Page 1252), page A-3, find the hex value that represents the character you want to use to terminate scanning.
Scan the following bar code, then use the Programming Chart inside the back cover of this manual to read the alphanu-
meric combination that represents that ASCII character. Scan Save to finish.
Output Sequence Overview
Require Output Sequence
When turned off, the bar code data will be output to the host as the scanner decodes it. When turned on, all output data
must conform to an edited sequence or the scanner will not transmit the output data to the host device.
Character Activation Laser