4 - 15
Character Activation Mode
You may use a character sent from the host to trigger the scanner to begin scanning. When the activation character is received,
the scanner continues scanning until either the Character Activation Laser Timeout (page 4-16), the deactivation character is
received (see Deactivation Character on page 4-16), or a bar code is transmitted. Scan the following On bar code to use char-
acter activation, then use Activation Character (following) to select the character you will send from the host to start scanning.
Default = Off.
Activation Character
This sets the character used to trigger scanning when using Character Activation Mode. On the ASCII Conversion Chart
(Code Page 1252), page A-3, find the hex value that represents the character you want to use to trigger scanning. Scan
the following bar code, then use the Programming Chart to read the alphanumeric combination that represents that ASCII
character. Scan Save to finish.
End Character Activation After Good Read
After a bar code is successfully detected and read from the scanner, the laser can be programmed either to remain on and
scanning, or to turn off. When End Character Activation After Good Read is enabled, the laser turns off and stops scan-
ning after a good read. If you scan Do Not End Character Activation After Good Read, the laser remains on after a good
read. Default = End Character Activation After Good Read.
* End Character Activation After
Good Read
Do Not End Character Activation
After Good Read