48 Chapter 2 Printing Tasks
Layout Options for Printing Both Sides of Paper
The four print orientation options are shown below. These options are
available when Print on Both Sides is selected from the Finishing tab
in the printer driver.
Note For non-Windows operating systems, this feature may be available
through HP Web JetAdmin (see HP Web JetAdmin).
1. Flip Pages Up
4. Flip Pages Sideways
(long-edge portrait)
3. Flip Pages Up
2. Flip Pages Sideways
(short-edge landscape)
1. Flip Pages Up
(long-edge landscape)
This layout is often used in accounting, data processing,
and spreadsheet applications. Every other printed image is
oriented upside-down. Facing pages are read continuously
from top to bottom.
2. Flip Pages Sideways
(short-edge landscape)
Each printed image is oriented right-side up. Facing pages
are read from top to bottom on the left page, then from top
to bottom on the right page.
3. Flip Pages Up
(short-edge portrait)
This layout is often used with clipboards. Every other
printed image is oriented upside-down. Facing pages are
read continuously from top to bottom.
4. Flip Pages Sideways
(long-edge portrait)
This is the default and most common layout, with every
printed image oriented right-side up. Facing pages are read
from top to bottom on the left page, then from top to bottom
on the right page.