10 Chapter 1 Printer Basics
If You Connected a USB Cable
Note Windows 3.1x, 95, and NT 4.0 do not support USB cable connections.
The following instructions are for computers running Windows 98,
2000, or Millennium. If you want to connect a USB cable to your
Macintosh, see Macintosh Installation.
1. If your computer is off, turn it on now. Quit any open programs.
2. Follow the steps for your Windows version:
Windows 98
a. The “Add New Hardware Wizard” window should appear on
the computer display. Click Next>.
b. Select “Search for the best driver for your device.
(Recommended)” and then click Next>.
c. Click the boxes as needed so that there is a check mark next
to “Specify a location:” (and NO check marks next to “Floppy
disk drives” and “CD-ROM drive”).
d. Place the HP LaserJet 2200 CD in the CD-ROM drive.
e. Under “Specify a location:”, type D:\98ME_USB (where D is
the letter of your CD-ROM drive). Click Next>.
Windows 2000
a. The “Found New Hardware Wizard” window should appear on
the computer display. Click Next>.
b. Select “Search for a suitable driver for my device
(recommended)” and then click Next>.
c. Under “Optional search locations:”, click the locations as
needed so that there is a check mark next to “Specify a
location:” (and NO check marks next to “Floppy disk drives”
and “CD-ROM drives”). Click Next>.
d. Place the HP LaserJet 2200 CD in the CD-ROM drive.
e. Under “Copy manufacturer’s files from:”, type D:\2000
(where D is the letter of your CD-ROM drive) and then
click OK.
f. The Wizard should display a window indicating that it has
found the driver; click Next>.