Monitoring and Analyzing Switch Operation
Interface Monitoring Features
Port receiving monitored traffic.
Monitored Ports
Figure B-20. Example of Monitored Port Listing
Configuring the Monitor Port. This command assigns or removes a mon-
itoring port, and must be executed from the global configuration level. Remov-
ing the monitor port disables port monitoring and resets the monitoring
parameters to their factory-default settings.
Syntax: [no] mirror-port [< port-num >]
For example, to assign port A6 as the monitoring port:
HPswitch(config)# mirror-port a6
To turn off monitoring:
HPswitch(config)# no mirror-port
Selecting or Removing Monitoring Source Interfaces. After you con-
figure a monitor port you can use either the global configuration level or the
interface context level to select ports, static trunks, meshed ports, or VLANs
as monitoring sources. You can also use either level to remove monitoring
No t e Individual ports, static trunks, and meshing can all be monitored at the same
time. However, if you configure the switch to monitor a VLAN, all other
interfaces are removed from monitoring. Also, you can configure only one
VLAN at a time for monitoring.
Syntax: [no] interface [ ethernet ] < monitor-list | vlan < vlan-id>> monitor
where: < monitor-list > includes port numbers, static trunk names, and
meshing, such as a4, c7, b5-b8, trk1, and mesh.