
Configuring for Network Management Applications
CDP neighbor pairs are as follows: A/1, A/2, A/3, A/B, B/C. Note that C and
E are not neighbors because the intervening CDP-disabled switch D does
not forward CDP packets; i.e. is not transparent to CDP traffic. (For the same
reason, switch Edoes not have any CDP neighbors.)
CDP Switch A
(CDP Running)
CDP Neighbor Table
Port | Data
A1 | Host 1 data
A1 | Host 2 data
A1 | Host 3 data
A2 | Switch B data
CDP Workstation 1
(Host 1)
(CDP Running)
Non-CDP Device X
Such as a Non-CDP
Hub or Switch
CDP Workstation 2
(Host 2)
(CDP Running)
Non-CDP Device Y
Such as a Non-CDP
Hub or Switch
CDP Workstation 3
(Host 3)
(CDP Running)
CDP Switch B
(CDP Running)
CDP Neighbor Table
Port | Data
B1 | Switch A data
B7 | Switch C data
No CDP data for Switch
Dbecause it has dis-
abled CDP operation.
Port A1
Port B1
Switch C
(CDP Running)
CDP Neighbor Table
Port | Data
C3 | Switch B data
Port 3
Port B7
Switch D
(No CDP Neighbor Table)
This switch drops CDP packets.
CDP Switch E
(CDP Running)
CDP Neighbor Table
Empty-No CDP
Port A2
Port D3
Port D17
Port E1
A, 1, 2, and 3 are CDP neighbors.
A and B are CDP neighbors.
B and C are CDP neighbors.
Because D is CDP-capable, but has
disabled CDP, it is not a CDP neighbor to
either B or E.
Port B5
Figure 10-7. Example of Incoming CDP Packet Results