XG Series User's Guide Chapter 6 Managing the Device
Verifying the Device Operations
6.1.2 Verifying System Status
Verify the system status by entering the "show system information" command in the operation mode (admin class) or the
configuration mode (admin class).
The following example shows the information that is displayed when the "show system information" command is entered.
Execution Example
1) Current time
Displays the current date and time.
2) Startup time
Displays the date and time when the device started up.
3) System
Displays the device name.
4) Serial No.
Displays the device serial number.
5) ROM Ver.
Displays the ROM version number in the xx.yy format. xx.yy is indicated by a
decimal value.
6) ASIC Firm Ver. (XG2600 Only)
Displays the ASIC firmware version number in the yymmddPLn format.
yymmdd is indicated by date (year-month-day). PLn shows patch level and n is
indicated by digit decimal value.
7) Firm Ver.
Displays the firmware version number in the Vxx.yy format.
"xx.yy is indicated by a two-digit decimal value.
8) Startup-config
Displays the date and time when you have saved the configuration to be read
during device startup, as well as the file name.
9) Running-config
Displays the date and time, when you applied the configuration that is currently
10) MAC
Displays the MAC address with a 12-digit hexadecimal value.
11) Memory
Displays the memory size installed in the device.
# show system information
Current time : Fri Jan 14 14:00:45 2011 ---(1)
Startup time : Fri Jan 14 08:40:05 2011 ---(2)
System : XG2600 ---(3)
Serial No. : 00000123 ---(4)
ROM Ver. : 1.3 ---(5)
ASIC Firm Ver. : 090203PL1 ---(6)
Firm Ver. : V01.00 NY0001 Tue Nov 14 17:52:15 JST 2006 ---(7)
Startup-config : Sat Jan 01 13:08:04 2011 config1 ---(8)
Running-config : Sat Jan 01 13:08:04 2011 ---(9)
MAC : 000b5d89011 ---(10)
Memory : 256MB ---(11)