XG Series User's Guide Chapter 5 Command Reference
VLAN Information Settings
5.3 VLAN Information Settings
This section explains about VLAN information settings.
VLAN ID allowed range
The VLAN ID, which is to be specified in <vid> of [Options] described in each command of this section, shall be within
the range specified as shown below.
5.3.1 VLAN Common Information
This section explains about the commands related to VLAN common information. vlan name
Function Set the VLAN name.
Available Model XG0224 / XG0448 / XG2600
Syntax vlan <vid> name <name>
Specify a VLAN ID with a decimal value.
VLAN1 has been defined as the default port VLAN during device startup, and it has
been registered as the "default" VLAN name.
VLAN name
Specify the VLAN name using up to 32 characters from the 0x21, 0x23 to 0x7e ASCII
Use Mode Configuration mode (admin class)
Explanation Set a VLAN name.
If this command is omitted, VLAN1 is set to the "default".
If a VLAN other than VLAN1 is created, it is set in the 'v'+<vid> format.
(Example: If vid=5, "v5" is set.)
Caution If "delete vlan <vid> name" is specified, the VLAN name is initialized but the VLAN itself
is not deleted. (The VLAN can be deleted by the "ether vlan" command.)
When VLAN ID is 1
When VLAN ID is other than 1
Range Model
1 to 4094 XG0224 / XG0448 / XG2600
vlan 1 name default
vlan <vid> name 'v'+<vid>