XG Series User's Guide Chapter 5 Command Reference
LAN Information Settings
5) "ether qos aclmap" command
A smaller Ethernet port number has a higher priority among Ethernet ports.
6) "vlan qos aclmap" command
A smaller VLAN ID has a higher priority among VLANs.
7) "lan ip dscp" command
A smaller lan definition number has a higher priority among lans.
The number of masks that each command use depends on applied ACL.
When Multiple ACL are applied, the number of masks amount to sum total, and
depends on ACLs the number of masks amount to less than sum total.
The following is the number of masks for ACL.
The following is the number of masks for "vlan protocol" command.
• Upper limit based on "actions"
16 actions for the entire device.
Up to16 actions can be set for the entire device, including the "ether qos aclmap", "vlan
qos aclmap", "lan ip dscp", "vlan protocol" commands.
The priority for each command is as follows.
1) "vlan protocol" commands
2) "ether qos aclmap" command
A smaller Ethernet port number has a higher priority among Ethernet ports.
3) "vlan qos aclmap" command
A smaller VLAN ID has a higher priority among VLANs.
ACL number of masks
"acl mac"
define LSAP of llc 3
not define LSAP of llc 1
"acl vlan" 1
not define src IP address
not define tos/dscp value 1
not define tos/dscp value 3
define src IP address
not define dst IP address 1
define dst IP address
use same netmask for src and dst IP address
not define tos/dscp value 1
not define tos/dscp value 3
use different netmask for src and dst IP address 3
"vlan protocol" definition number of masks
define vlan protocol ipv4 3
define vlan protocol ipv6 1
define vlan protocol <count> ether 1
define vlan protocol <count> llc 1