XG Series User's Guide Chapter 5 Command Reference
STP Information
223 stp config_id
Function Set the MST configuration.
Available Model XG0224 / XG0448 / XG2600
Syntax stp config_id <region_name> <revision_level>
Region name (Configuration name)
Specify a configuration name using up to 32 characters from 0x21, 0x23 to 0x7e ASCII
Revision level
Specify a decimal value from 0 to 255.
Use Mode Configuration mode (admin class)
Explanation Set MST configuration (MST region name and revision level).
Caution This command is enabled only in the MSTP operation mode.
Default It is assumed that MST for MST configuration information, "region1" for region name, and
"0" for revision level are set. stp domain vlan
Function Set the VLAN assignment to the MSTP instance.
Available Model XG0224 / XG0448 / XG2600
Syntax stp domain <instance-id> vlan <vidlist>
• Instance ID number
Specify a decimal value from 1 to 15.
Specify a decimal VLAN ID from 1 to 4094.
When setting multiple VLAN IDs, separate them with commas (,).
When setting sequential numbers, separate them with hyphens (-). (Example: "1-
Use Mode Configuration mode (admin class)
Explanation Set VLAN assignment to an MSTP instance.
Caution This command is enabled only in the MSTP operation mode.
The definition is disabled when vlan assigned to an instance is not set to the Ethernet
Default N/A
stp config_id region1 0