XG Series User's Guide Chapter 5 Command Reference
Mode and Terminal Operation Commands
341 terminal prompt
Function Set the input prompt.
Available Model XG0224 / XG0448 / XG2600
Syntax terminal prompt login "<prompt>"
terminal prompt user "<prompt>"
terminal prompt admin "<prompt>"
Set the input prompt during login.
Set the input command prompt to be used during login with the user class.
Set the input command prompt to be used during login with the admin class.
Specify a character string of the input prompt. Up to 80 characters are allowed.
Use Mode Operation mode (user class/admin class) (user option)
Operation mode (admin class) (login or admin option)
Configuration mode (admin class)
Explanation Specify a character string for login prompt or command input prompt.
If a space is included in a character string, enclose it in double quotation marks (").
If the prompt character string contains a special character beginning with a back slash as
shown below, it will be replaced with an expanded character string.
If this device is running with bank0 configuration, "\c" displays no information, including a
space before or after "\c".
If the device is running with bank1 configuration, "\c" displays "bank1".
"\h" or "\H" displays the host name which is set with the "sysname" command.
Special character Expanded character string
\c "config2" only if the configuration file name is config2
\C Number of file name for the configuration file (1 or 2)
\d Date (month/date format)
\h Host name or Model name (character string before ".")
\H Host name or Model name (all character string)
\m Model name
\p Prompt character string according to the class (including space)
\t Time (hour:minute:second format, 24 hour time system)
\T Time (hour:minute:second format, 12 hour time system)
\@ Time (hour:minute NN format, 12 hour time system, NN:am or pm)
\v Firmware version
\w Configuration directory
\! History number
\\ A single backslash character