
Table 3-5 Fields,Options and Defaults for the I/O Device Configuration Submenu of the Advanced Menu
C o n f i g u r i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 9 0 0 S e r i e s
LifeBook 900 Series from Fujitsu
Menu Field Options Default Description
Serial Port A: Disabled;Enabled; Auto. [Enabled] Configures the serial port A using either no configuration
(Disabled),a user defined configuration (Enabled), or by
allowing the BIOS or OS to choose the configuration (Auto).
Base I/O address: 3F8; 2F8; 3E8; 2E8. [3F8] Allows user to set the serial port base I/O address when port
A is Enabled.
Interrupt: IRQ 3; IRQ 4; [IRQ 4] Allows user to set the serial port interrupt when port A
IRQ 10; IRQ 11. is Enabled.
Serial Port B: Disabled;Enabled; Auto. [Enabled] Configures the serial port A using either no configuration
(Disabled),a user defined configuration (Enabled), or by
allowing the BIOS or OS to choose the configuration (Auto).
Mode: IrDA; FIR. [FIR] Allows user to set the serial port mode when port B is Enabled.
Base I/O address: 3F8; 2F8; 3E8;2E8. [2E8] Allows user to set the serial port base I/O address when port B
is Enabled.