
A p p e n d i c e s
MPEG Compression
Moving Pictures Experts Goup - An organization
under the International Standards Organization
which is tasked with generating standards for
digital video and audio data compression.
The first standard developed by MPEG which
defined coding for a combined audio-visual
signal at a rate of 1.5Mbit/sec. It is intended
to process video with a source resolution of
352 x 240 pixels at 30 frames/sec, one fourth
the resolution of broadcast television.
The second standard developed by MPEG
which defined coding for a combined audio-
visual signal at a rate of 6.0Mbit/sec. It is
intended to process video with a source resolu-
tion of 720 x 480 pixels at 30 frames/sec, the
resolution of broadcast television.
A standard for MIDI interfaces and connectors.
National TV Standards Commission. The
standard for TV broadcast and reception
for the USA.
Operating System
A group of control programs that convert
application commands,including driver
programs,into the exact form required by a
specific brand and model of microprocessor
in order to produce the desired results from
that particular equipment.
Phase Alternation by Line. The standard for
color television in Western Europe and most of
Asia and Africa..
Parallel Port
A connection to another device through which
data is transferred as a block of bits simultane-
ously with a wire for each bit in the block and
with other wires only for control of the device
not for transfer of data.
A block of space on a hard disk which is set
aside and made to appear to the operating sys-
tem as if it were a separate disk and is addressed
by the operating system accordingly.
PCMCIA is a trademark of the Personal
Computer Memory Card International
Association. The Personal Computer Memory
Card International Association is an organiza-
tion that sets standards for add-in cards for
personal computers.
Peripheral Device
A piece of equipment which performs a specific
function associated with but not integral to a
computer. Examples: a printer, a modem,
a CD-ROM drive.