
S e c t i o n T h r e e
Menu Field Options Default Description
Auto Save to Disk: Off; After 1 Hour. [Off] When set to After 1 Hour your notebook wi ll autom a ti c a lly
save all of system memory and the operating parameters to the
hard drive and go to the pseudo-off if you leave your notebook in
Suspend mode for an hour.
Resume On On;Off. [Off] Sets whether or not to Resume from a suspension state when a
Modem Ring: message is received by telephone line. This feature is not available
if the Save-to-Disk mode is enabled. This feature applies to internal,
external and PC Card modems.
Resume On Time: On; Off. [Off] Sets whether or not to resume from a suspension state at a
designated time. This feature is available from either the Suspend
mode or the Save-to-Disk mode.
Resume Time: Sets the designated time, on a 24-hour clock, when the notebook
is to automatically resume operation from the Suspend state.
The format of the clock setting is hours:minutes:seconds. Each
segment of the time is set separately, either by incrementing or by
typing in the numbers. You move between the segments with the
Tab key or the Shift+Tab keys.This only applies when Resume on
Time is set to On.
Advanced Features: When selected, opens the Advanced Features submenu which
allows setting additional power saving parameters.
Table 3-15 Fields,Options and Defaults for the Power Menu.