
U s e r I n s t a l l a b l e F e a t u r e s
LifeBook 900 Series from Fujitsu
When you have installed additional memory,
the display should change.
For example for:
Total RAM System Extended
Installed Memory Memory
32MB 640K 31M
48MB 640K 48.5M
64MB 640K 64M
96MB 640K 97M
112MB 640K 112M
128MB 640K 128M
144MB 640K 144M
160MB 640K 160M
If the total memory displayed is not what you
believe it should be, check that your memory
upgrade modules are properly installed; if
properly installed and the capacity is not cor-
rectly recognized. (See the Troubleshooting
Section starting on page 146.)