
U s i n g Y o u r L i f e B o o k 9 0 0 S e r i e s
LifeBook 900 Series from Fujitsu
Type III cards are always Card 1 only. The
PC Card Access indicator will flash if your
software tries to access a PC Card even if
none are installed.
NumLk Indicator
The NumLk indicator tells you the internal key-
board is set in ten-key numeric mode. (See page
32 for more information on the numeric keypad.)
You can activate the NumLk mode by pressing
the Scr Lk/NumLk key while holding down the
Shift key. Deactivate the mode the same way
you activated it.
CapsLock Indicator
The CapsLock indicator tells you when the key-
board is set for all capital letters. Activate the
capitals lock mode by pressing the CapsLock
key on the keyboard. Deactivate the mode the
same way you activated it.
Scr Lk Indicator
The Scr Lk indicator tells you when you
are in scroll lock mode. You can activate or
deactivate the scroll lock mode by pressing
the Scr Lk/NumLk key. Deactivate the mode
the same way you activated it.
Facing the keyboard and display panel, move
the power switch towards the rear of your note-
book. This is the On position. (Figure 2-5.)
When you are done working you can leave your
notebook in Suspend mode, (see pages 44 and
96), or you can turn it off. The power switch
moved toward the front of your notebook is in
the Off position. (See the section Power Off, page
24, for the recommended shutoff procedures.)
Figure 2-5 Power Switch
After turning off your notebook, make
sure that it has been Off at least 10
seconds before turning the power switch
to On. If you do not you could cause a
system error. When you turn on your
notebook be sure you have a power
source. This means that at least one
battery is installed and charged, or
that the AC adapter or the auto/airline
adapter is connected and has power.