Component Fluids, Lubricants and Genuine Parts
Engine Fuel Filter ( 6.7L Diesel
Engine )
Mopar Fuel Filter, P/N 05183410AA or equivalent. Must meet 7 micron rat-
ing. Using a fuel filter that does not meet the manufacturers filtration and
water separating requirements can severely impact fuel system life and re-
Crankcase Ventilation Filter ( 6.7L
Diesel Engine )
Mopar CCV Filter, P/N 68001433AA or equivalent.
Fuel Selection ( 5.7L Gas Engine ) 89 Octane, (R=M)/2 Method, Mid-Grade Preferred (87 Octane acceptable).
Fuel Selection ( 6.7L Diesel En-
gine )
Use good quality diesel fuel from a reputable supplier in your vehicle. Fed-
eral law requires that you must fuel this vehicle with Ultra Low Sulfur High-
way Diesel fuel (15 ppm Sulfur maximum) and prohibits the use of Low Sul-
fur Highway Diesel fuel (500 ppm Sulfur maximum) to avoid damage to the
emissions control system. For most year-round service, No. 2 diesel fuel
meeting ASTM specification D-975 Grade S15 will provide good perfor-
mance. If the vehicle is exposed to extreme cold (below 20°F or -7°C), or is
required to operate at colder-than-normal conditions for prolonged periods,
use climatized No. 2 diesel fuel or dilute the No. 2 diesel fuel with 50% No.
1 diesel fuel. This will provide better protection from fuel gelling or wax-
plugging of the fuel filters. This vehicle is fully compatible with biodiesel
blends up to 5% biodiesel meeting ASTM specification D-975.