Problems that result from using methanol/gasoline or
E85 Ethanol blends are not the responsibility of the
manufacturer. While MTBE is an oxygenate made from
Methanol, it does not have the negative effects of Metha-
MMT In Gasoline
MMT is a manganese-containing metallic additive that is
blended into some gasoline to increase octane. Gasolines
blended with MMT provide no performance advantage
beyond gasolines of the same octane number without
MMT. Gasolines blended with MMT reduce spark plug
life and reduce emission system performance. We recom-
mend that gasolines free of MMT be used in your vehicle.
The MMT content of gasoline may not be indicated on
the gasoline pump; therefore, you should ask your gaso-
line retailer whether or not his/her gasoline contains
It is even more important to look for gasolines without
MMT in Canada because MMT can be used at levels
higher than allowed in the United States. MMT is pro-
hibited in Federal and California reformulated gasolines.
Materials Added To Fuel
All gasolines sold in the United States are required to
contain effective detergent additives. Use of additional
detergents or other additives is not needed under normal
conditions and would result in unnecessary cost. There-
fore, you should not have to add anything to the fuel.
Fuel System Cautions
Follow these guidelines to maintain your vehicle’s