“N” Neutral
Shift to Neutral when the vehicle is standing for pro-
longed periods with the engine running. The engine may
be started in this range. Set the parking brake if you must
leave the vehicle.
“D” Drive
This position provides all forward gears, including 3rd
gear direct and 4th or 5th gear overdrive (see Overdrive
Operation). Use this range for most city and highway
“2” Second
Use this position for driving slowly in heavy city traffic
or on mountain roads where more precise speed control
is desirable. Use it also when climbing long grades, and
for engine braking when descending moderately steep
grades. To prevent excessive engine speed do not exceed
45 mph (72 km/h) in this range.
“1” First
Use this position for driving up very steep hills and for
engine braking at low speeds 20 mph (32 km/h) or less
when going downhill. To prevent excessive engine speed,
do not exceed 25 mph (40 km/h) in this range.
NOTE: Use caution when operating a heavily loaded
vehicle in “2” Second or “1” First gear selections in high
ambients as torque converter slip can impose significant
additional heat load on the cooling system.
Overdrive Operation
The overdrive automatic transmission contains an elec-
tronically controlled fourth and fifth speed (Overdrive).
The transmission will automatically shift from Drive to
Overdrive if the following conditions are present:
the transmission selector is in Drive;
the engine coolant has reached normal operating tem-