Overfilling the brake fluid reservoir can result in
spilling brake fluid on hot engine parts and the
brake fluid catching fire.
Use only brake fluid that has been in a tightly closed
container to avoid contamination from foreign matter or
Do not allow a petroleum-base fluid to contaminate
the brake fluid. Seal damage and loss of brake
performance may result.
Clutch Hydraulic System
The clutch hydraulic system is a sealed maintenance-free
system. In the event of leakage or other malfunction, the
system must be replaced.
Clutch Linkage
If the clutch pedal linkage begins to squeak or grunt, the
clutch pedal pivot bushings should be lubricated. Refer
to Fluids, Lubricants and Genuine Parts for the correct
lubricant type. Multipurpose Grease, NLGI Grade 2 E.P.
Rear Axle And 4x4 Front Driving Axle Fluid Level
For Model 9.25 Front Axles and 11.5” Rear Axles refer to
Fluids, Lubricants and Genuine Parts for the correct
lubricant type. For normal service, periodic fluid level
checks are not required. When the vehicle is serviced for
other reasons, the exterior surfaces of the axle assembly
should be inspected.