Drive Belts (Gas Engines)
Belt tension is controlled by means of an automatic
tensioner. No belt tension adjustments are required.
However, belt and belt tensioner condition should be
inspected at the specified intervals and replaced if re-
quired. See your authorized dealer for service.
At the mileage indicated in the maintenance schedule, all
belts and tensioner should be checked for condition.
Improper belt tension can cause belt slippage and failure.
Belts should be inspected for evidence of cuts, cracks,
glazing or frayed cords and replaced if there is indication
of damage which could result in belt failure. Low gen-
erator belt tension can cause battery failure.
Also check belt routing to make sure there is no interfer-
ence between the belts and other engine components.
Drive Belt (Diesel Engines)
Check the belt for intersecting cracks.
Transverse (across the belt width) cracks are accept-
Longitudinal (direction of belt length) cracks that
intersect with transverse cracks are NOT acceptable.
Replace the belt if it has unacceptable cracks, is frayed or
has pieces of material missing.
The engine speed sensor, located near the damper, should
be inspected for damage if a belt is frayed.
Engine Air Cleaner Filter (Gas Engines)
Under normal driving conditions, replace the air filter at
the intervals shown on Schedule “A”. If, however, you