
NOTE: For more page setup options, click the Show Details button.
4. Type the number of copies you want in the Copies field.
5. Click the Paper Size pop-up menu, and then select your paper size.
6. Select the Orientation option that matches the way you want the document to print.
7. Click the application pop-up menu, and then select Print Settings.
The Print Settings options appear.
8. Click the Media Type pop-up menu, and then select the type of paper you are using.
9. Change other printer settings, if needed.
10. Click Print.
Set Print Options (Macintosh)
• Print in Toner Save Mode (Macintosh)
This feature conserves your toner by using less toner to print documents; print appears lighter, but is still
• Print Multiple Copies of the Same Document (Macintosh)
• Print on Both Sides of the Paper (Macintosh)
• Change the Paper Size (Macintosh)
Paper Size choices include a large selection of standard paper sizes.
• Change the Orientation of Your Print (Portrait or Landscape) (Macintosh)
• Print More Than One Page on a Single Sheet of Paper (N in 1) (Macintosh)
• Reverse Print (Macintosh)
This setting rotates the printed image 180 degrees.
• Flip Horizontally (Macintosh)
The Flip horizontally option reverses the printout horizontally from left to right.
• Scaled Print (Macintosh)
This option lets you enlarge or reduce the pages in your document to fit your printed paper size.
• Change the Media Type (Macintosh)
To achieve the best print results, the media being printed on should be selected in the driver. The machine
changes the way it prints depending on the selected media type.
• Change the Resolution (Macintosh)
You can choose the print resolution. As print resolution and speed are related, the higher the resolution, the
longer it will take to print the document.
• Reduce or Enlarge Document Layout (Macintosh)
You can reduce or enlarge the layout of a document by scaling it to a percentage of the document's original size.
• Change the Paper Source (Macintosh)
Select a paper source setting that matches your print conditions or purpose.
• Change the Graphic Quality (Macintosh)
You can change the print quality.
• Reduce Paper Curl (Macintosh)
• Improve Toner Fixing (Macintosh)