Preparing Host Servers To Re-create A Snapshot Virtual Disk
CAUTION: Before you create a new point-in-time image of a source virtual disk, stop any data
access (I/O) activity or suspend data transfer to the source virtual disk and snapshot virtual disk to
ensure that you capture an accurate point-in-time image of the source virtual disk. Close all
applications, including Windows Internet Explorer, to make sure all I/O activity has stopped.
NOTE: Removing the drive letter of the associated virtual disk in Windows or unmounting the virtual
drive in Linux helps to guarantee a stable copy of the drive for the Snapshot.
Before re-creating a snapshot virtual disk, both the server and the associated virtual disk you are
re‑creating have to be in the proper state. To ensure that the host server is properly prepared to re-create
a snapshot virtual disk, you can either use an application to carry out this task, or you can perform the
following steps:
1. Stop all I/O activity to the source and snapshot virtual disk (if mounted).
2. Using your Windows system, flush the cache to both the source and the snapshot virtual disk
(if mounted). At the host prompt, type SMrepassist ‑f <filename-identifier> and press
<Enter>. See "SMrepassist Utility" in the Owner’s Manual for more information.
3. Remove the drive letter(s) of the source and (if mounted) snapshot virtual disk in Windows or
unmount the virtual drive(s) in Linux to help guarantee a stable copy of the drive for the Snapshot.
If this is not done, the snapshot operation reports that it has completed successfully, but the
snapshot data is not updated properly.
4. Follow any additional instructions for your operating system. Failure to follow these additional
instructions can create unusable snapshot virtual disks.
NOTE: If your operating system requires additional instructions, you can find those instructions
in your operating system documentation.
After your server has been prepared, see Re-creating The Snapshot Virtual Disk to re-create the snapshot
virtual disk.
Re-creating A Snapshot Virtual Disk
After first preparing the host server(s) as specified in the preceding procedure, use the following examples
to re-create a virtual disk snapshot.
Refer to steps 1 through 4 in the preceding section, Preparing Host Servers To Re-create A Snapshot
Virtual Disk. The following example shows the command to restart a snapshot virtual disk:
client>smcli -c "recreate snapshot
virtualDisks [\"Mars_Spirit_4-2\" \"Mars_Spirit_4-3\"];"
Refer to steps 1 through 4 in the preceding section, Preparing Host Servers To Re-create A Snapshot
Virtual Disk. The following example is the script file version of the command:
recreate snapshot virtualDisks ["Mars_Spirit_4-2"
If you do not intend to use a snapshot virtual disk again, you can delete the snapshot virtual disk using the
delete virtualDisk command. When you delete a snapshot virtual disk, the associated snapshot
repository virtual disk is also deleted.