If you are generating the XML information file in order to obtain a validator string, you must run this
command while you are connected to the RAID controller module where you intend to restore the
database. The following example show the format of the XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Save Storage Array Events
This command saves events from the Major Event Log (MEL) to a file.
Any or all of the following events can be saved:
• Critical events—Errors occurring on the storage array that needs to be addressed immediately. Loss of
data access may occur if the error is not immediately corrected.
• Warning events—Errors occurring on the storage array resulting in degraded performance or reduced
ability to recover from additional errors. Access to data has not been lost, but the must be corrected
to prevent possible loss of data access in the event of an additional error.
• Informational events—Events occurring on the storage array that do not impact normal operations.
This event is reporting a change in configuration or other information useful in evaluating the
performance of the storage array.
• Debug events—Events occurring on the storage array that provides information useful in determining
steps or states that led to the error. This information may be useful to your Technical Support
representative in helping determine error causes.
NOTE: Some storage arrays may be unable to support all the above mentioned types of events.
save storageArray (allEvents | criticalEvents | warningEvents | infoEvents |
debugEvents) file="filename" [count=numberOfEventsforceSave=(TRUE | FALSE)]
Parameter Description
Saves all events to a file.
Saves only critical events to a file.