Reduce Disk Pool Capacity
This command reduces the capacity of the disk pool by logically removing the physical disks from the
pool. This command uses the Dynamic Capacity Reduction (DCR) feature, which enables you to remove
selected physical disks from a disk pool and re-use the removed physical disks as needed.
The maximum number of physical disks that you can remove from a disk pool in a single DCR operation
is 12. You cannot reduce the disk pool to below the minimum disk pool size.
set diskPool [diskPoolName]
... enclosureIDn,drawerIDn,slotIDn)
Parameter Description
The name of the disk pool for which you want to
reduce capacity. Enclose the disk pool name in
square brackets ([ ]).
The physical disks that you want to remove from
the disk pool. For high-capacity expansion
enclosures, specify the enclosure ID value, the
drawer ID value, and the slot ID value for each
physical disk that you want to remove. For low-
capacity expansion enclosures, specify the
enclosure ID value and the slot ID value for each
physical disk that you want to remove. Enclosure
ID values are 0 to 99. Drawer ID values are 0 to 4.
Slot ID values are 0 to 31.
Enclose the enclosure ID values, the drawer ID
values, and the slot ID values in square brackets
([ ]).
Each disk pool name must be unique. You can use any combination of alphanumeric characters,
underscore (_), hyphen(-), and pound (#) for the user label. User labels can have a maximum of 30
You might want to remove selected physical disks from a disk pool if you need to create a separate group
or remove unneeded capacity from the storage array. The removed physical disks become unassigned
physical disks and the data that existed on them is redistributed across the remaining physical disks in the
disk pool. The capacity of the disk pool is decreased by the capacity of the physical disks that you
remove. Removing physical disks from a disk pool is always carried out as a background task and the