Parameter Description
The name for the remote storage array for which
you are resetting the iSCSI IP address. Enclose the
storage array name in double quotation marks (" ").
The World Wide Identifier (WWID) of the storage
array for which you are resetting the iSCSI IP
address. You can use the WWID instead of the
storage array name to identify the storage array.
Enclose the WWID in angle brackets (< >).
Reset Physical Disk
This command power cycles a physical disk in a disk group or a disk pool to aid in the recovery of a
physical disk that is exhibiting inconsistent or non-optimal behavior.
By power cycling a physical disk, some errors that cause inconsistent or non-optimal behavior can be
cleared. This avoids replacing a physical disk when it is experiencing only a transient, non-fatal error, and
the physical disk can remain operational. Resetting a physical disk in this way reduces disruptions and
avoids replacing a physical disk.
If the problem cannot be corrected by power cycling the physical disk, the data is copied from the
physical disk and the physical disk is powered down for replacement.
reset physicalDisk([enclosureID,drawerID,slotID] | <"wwID">)
Parameter Description
The location of the physical disk that you want to replace. For high-
capacity expansion enclosures, specify the enclosure ID value, the drawer
ID value, and the slot ID value of the physical disk that you want to revive.
For low-capacity expansion enclosures, specify the enclosure ID value and
the slot ID value of the physical disk that you want to revive. Enclosure ID
values are 0 to 99. Drawer ID values are 0 to 4. Slot ID values are 0 to 31.
Enclose the enclosure ID value, the drawer ID value, and the slot ID value in
square brackets ([ ]).
The World Wide Identifier (WWID) of the physical disk that you want to
replace. Enclose the WWID in double quotation marks (" ") inside angle
brackets (< >).