Parameter Description
group name has special characters, you also must
enclose the remote replication group name in
double quotation marks (" ") inside square brackets.
If the remote replication group name consists only
of numbers, such as "1002," you also must enclose
the remote replication group name in double
quotation marks (" ") inside square brackets.
The file path and the file name to which you want
to save the synchronization statistics. Enclose the
file name in double quotation marks (" "). For
example: file="C:\Program Files\CLI\logs
This command does not automatically append a
file extension to the saved file. You can use any file
name, but you must use the .csv extension.
This parameter is optional. The name of the
specific member virtual disk in the remote
replication group for which you are retrieving
synchronization statistics. If no virtual disk is
specified, the statistics for every member virtual
disk in the remote replication group are saved.
If statistics are collected for more than one virtual
disk in a remote replication group, all the data will
be written to the same file.
Enclose the virtual disk name in double quotation
marks (" ").
This parameter is optional. The default value for
sampleType is all.
• all—Data for all three sample types are
collected and written to the same file.
• mostRecent—Statistics are recorded for the
most recent 50 resynchronization samples.
• longestSyncTime—Statistics are collected for
the most recent 20 longest resynchronization
• errors—Statistics are recorded for the most
recent 20 failed resynchronization samples.
These samples include a failure code.
This parameter is optional. The default value for
record limit is no limit. The recordLimit must
be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 90.