2. In the Time text box, type the time in HH:MM, and then click Finish.
NOTE: The time is the local timezone where your client is physically located. Invalid time values
result in a blocked update.
Viewing Firmware Update Status for Clusters and Datacenters
For information to display on this page, run a firmware update for a cluster or a datacenter. This page only displays
information about firmware updates for clusters and datacenters. See, Running the Update Firmware Wizard for Clusters
and Datacenters.
On this page you can refresh, purge, or abort your firmware update jobs.
1. From the Dell Management Center, select Job Queue → Firmware Update Jobs.
2. To display the most recent information, click Refresh.
3. View the status in the datagrid. This grid offers the following information about firmware update jobs:
• Status
• Scheduled Time
• Name
• Description
• Collection Size
The collection size is the number of servers on this firmware inventory job.
• Progress Summary
The progress summary lists the progress details of this firmware update.
4. To see more details about a particular job, in the datagrid for a particular job, click Details.
Here you can find the following details:
• Service Tag
• Status
• Warnings
• Firmware Update Job Details
• Start Time
• End Time.
5. If you want to abort a scheduled firmware update that is not running, in the same line as the job you want to abort,
6. If you want to purge scheduled firmware updates, click Purge Job Queue.
You can only purge jobs that are completed or scheduled.
7. Select the Older than date and job Status, and click Apply. The selected jobs are then cleared from the queue.
Advanced Host Management Using vCenter
The advanced host management tasks are host system-based actions that let an administrator identify a physical server
in the datacenter environment, launch server-based management tools, and display server warranty information. All of
these actions are initiated from the OpenManage Integration tab in vCenter or by right-clicking the host in
Host &
view for an individual host system.