End-To-End Hardware Management
The goal of end-to-end hardware management is to provide the system health status and up-to-date infrastructure
information that an administrator needs to respond to critical hardware events without leaving the Dell Management
Center or vCenter. End-to-end hardware management within the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter is
divided into four separate parts:
• Monitoring
• Inventory
• Advanced host management
• Warranty retrieval
Monitoring the Datacenter And Host System
Datacenter and host system monitoring lets an administrator monitor infrastructure health by displaying hardware
(server and storage) and virtualization-related events on the Tasks & Events tab in vCenter. Additionally, critical
hardware alerts can trigger the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter alarms. Few alarms defined for Dell
virtualization-related events can move the managed host system to maintenance mode.
To perform monitoring:
1. Configure the Event and Alarm settings.
2. Configure SNMP OMSA trap destinations, if needed.
3. Use the Tasks & Events tab in vCenter to review event information.
Understanding Events And Alarms
You can edit events and alarms from the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter within Manage → Settings tab.
From here you can select the Event Posting Level, enable Alarms for Dell Hosts, or Restore Default Alarms. You can
configure events and alarms for each vCenter or all at once for all registered vCenters.
There are four event posting levels.
Table 1. Event Posting Level Descriptions
Event Description
Do not post any Events Do not have the OpenManage Integration for VMware
vCenter forward any events or alerts into related vCenters.
Post all Events Post all events, including informal events, that the
OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter receives
from managed Dell hosts into related vCenters.
Post only Critical and Warning Events Posts only events with either Critical or Warning criticality
into related vCenters.