Access Control Authentication, Authorization, And Roles
The OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter uses the vSphere Client's current user session and the stored
administration credentials for the virtual appliance to perform vCenter operations. The OpenManage Integration for
VMware vCenter uses the vCenter server's built-in roles and privileges model to authorize user actions with the virtual
appliance and the vCenter managed objects (hosts and clusters).
Figure 2. vCenter vSphere Client Roles and Privileges
Dell Operation Role
Contains the privileges/groups to accomplish appliance and vCenter server tasks including firmware updates, hardware
inventory, restarting a host, placing a host in maintenance mode, or creating a vCenter Server task
This role contains the following privilege groups.
Privilege Group -
Privilege - Perform Host-Related Tasks, Perform vCenter-Related Tasks, Configure SelLog,
Configure ConnectionProfile, Configure ClearLed, Firmware Update
Privilege Group -
Privilege - Configure Inventory, Configure Warranty Retrieval, Configure ReadOnly
Privilege Group -
Privilege - Configure Monitoring, Monitor
Privilege Group -
(Not used)
Privilege - Create a Report, Run a Report
Dell Infrastructure Deployment Role
This role contains the privileges specifically related to the hypervisor deployment features.