
Setting The Default Firmware Update Repository [Wizard]
Firmware repository settings contain the firmware catalog location used to update deployed servers. You can set up
firmware repository initially here in the wizard or later from the Dell Management CenterSettings option. In addition,
you can run the firmware update later from the OpenManage Integration tab.
To set the default firmware update repository:
1. In the Configuration Wizard, on the Firmware Repository page, to choose the default repository for firmware
updates, select one of the following:
Dell Online
Default firmware repository (ftp.dell.com) with a staging folder. The OpenManage Integration for VMware
vCenter downloads selected firmware updates and stores them in the staging folder, and then they are applied
as necessary.
Local/shared repository:
These are created with the Dell Repository Manager application. These local repositories should be located on
file shares.
2. If you selected Local/shared repository, do the following:
a. Enter the Catalog File Location using the following format:
NFS share for xml file: host:/share/filename.xml
NFS share for gz file: host:/share/filename.gz
CIFS share for xml file: \\host\share\filename.xml
CIFS share for gz file: \\host\share\filename.gz
b. If using a CIFS share, enter the User Name, Password, and Verify Password; the passwords must match. These
fields are only active when entering a CIFS share.
NOTE: The @ character is not supported for use in shared network folder user names/passwords.
c. To validate your entries click Begin Test.
3. To save this selection and continue the Configuration Wizard, click Save and Continue.
Enabling The OMSA Link [Wizard]
To launch OpenManage Server Administator (OMSA) within the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter virtual
appliance, the OMSA Web Server must be installed and configured. See the
OpenManage Server Administrator
Installation Guide
for instructions on how to install and configure the Web Server.
NOTE: OMSA is only required on Dell servers prior to 12th generation of Dell PowerEdge servers.
You can use OMSA to:
Manage vCenter elements (detailed sensor/component-level health information).
Clear command logs and system event logs (SELs).
Obtain NIC statistics.
Make sure that the OpenManage Integration for VMware vCenter captures events from a selected host.
1. In the Configuration Wizard, on the OpenManage Server Admin page, use the OMSA Web Server URL text box to
enter the OMSA URL. You must include the full URL including the HTTPS and the port number. For example,
2. To save this URL and finish the Configuration Wizard, click Finish.