Installing Management Center for Cisco Security Agents 5.2
Chapter 1 Preparing to Install
Internationalization Support
Interface (MUI) supported languages, installs are always in English (Installshield
does not support MUI), and the UI/dialogs are in English unless the desktop is
Chinese (Simplified), French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, or Spanish.
Any Windows 2000, Windows XP or Windows 2003 platforms/versions not
mentioned in the tables below should be treated as not supported.
The following letter combinations are used to describe the level of support:
Ta b l e 1-6
L Agent localized, supported and qualified. (Note: L(S) –
Localized and supported only)
T Supported and qualified.
S Supported but not qualified – Bugs will be fixed when
reported by customers, but the exact configuration was not
NA Not applicable – Microsoft does not ship this combination.
NS Not supported.
Support Level Key
Ta b l e 1-7 Windows 2000 Support
Professional Server
Arabic NS NA NA
Chinese (Simplified) L L(S) L(S)
Chinese (Traditional) T S S
Czech S S NA
Danish T NA NA
Dutch S S NA
English L L L
Finnish S NA NA
French L L(S) L(S)
German L L(S) L(S)