Installing Management Center for Cisco Security Agents 5.2
Chapter 1 Preparing to Install
System Requirements
To run the Cisco Security Agent on Windows servers and desktop systems, the
requirements are as follows:
Ta b l e 1-2 Agent Requirements (Windows)
System Component Requirement
Processor Intel Pentium 200 MHz or higher
Note Up to eight physical processors are
Operating Systems • Windows Server 2003 (Standard,
Enterprise, Web, or Small Business
Editions) Service Pack 0 or 1
• Windows XP (Professional, Tablet PC
Edition 2005, or Home Edition) Service
Pack 0, 1, or 2
• Windows 2000 (Professional, Server or
Advanced Server) with Service Pack 0, 1, 2,
3, or 4
• Windows NT (Workstation, Server or
Enterprise Server) with Service Pack 6a
Note Citrix Metaframe and Citrix XP are
supported. Terminal Services are
supported on Windows 2003, Windows
XP, and Windows 2000 (Terminal
Services are not supported on Windows
Supported language versions are as follows:
• For Windows 2003, XP, and 2000, all
language versions, except Arabic and
Hebrew, are supported.
• For Windows NT, US English is the only
supported language version.
Memory 128 MB minimum—all supported Windows